Street Cred Resume

I like creative resumes.  Videos are actually a wonderful way to get positive attention.  We have looked at a company or 2 in the student “transfolio” space (where a student has a dynamic transcript that contains video of projects, oral feedback from teachers, etc.).  We have not invested in this space primarily because it is very unclear if there is a willing paying customer (besides parents who can afford it) and a willing user (like the admissions office of a school or college).

Anyway, today a good friend of mine (thanks Dan) sent me this really funny short video (about 4 minutes), which is in fact proof a street credibility.  It is not a resume, but what a cool way to make your self stand out!  Worth considering, especially to a perspective employer.

The video features a musical artist from Ithaca.  You will learn a lot about Ithaca in the video.  Enjoy.  Here it is.

One thought on “Street Cred Resume

  1. I agree. I just invested in – check it out – all about reinventing the resume – a LinkedIn for college students with rich portfolios. They just signed the entire UC system and will be part of their registration stream this year. We did a first close at $750k – I can get you a slice if you are interested.

    I invested because I loved the founders and the idea. I just made it more about outcome – connecting students with jobs – and I am excited about the data Analytics flowing through the platform. What should I do if I want x job, and who should I hire who will best do x job – I want to answer that question. Our revenue stream comes from employers.


    Steven Gal

    Sent from my wireless device


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