Repost – Being an Entrepreneur

I have not had much time for new posts lately.  I am not going to pull a “Brad Feld” (sorry Brad) and get all personal on you to explain why – don’t worry.

The “what it is like being an entrepreneur” reality check is a topic that comes up a lot for me when talking with students (mostly undergrads and MBA students at Cornell – BTW, Johnson was just ranked #7!!).  Most of us have heard the tales of difficulty and stress that come with the territory.

I read just now Mark Suster’s post from yesterday called “Entrepreneurshit.  The Blog Post on What It’s Really Like.”  Mark’s posts are often long and I usually don’t get through them completely.  I did for this one.

So, enjoy the great summary of startup life – Entrepreneurshit is an apt descriptor.

Happy Thanksgiving too!